Sunday, April 27, 2014

where am i going

This video demonstrates where I hope I'll end up in my life. I love photography and hope to pursue it. I hope to be successful and become a well known photographer.

Final Project

      Society has built an idealistic view of how beauty should be perceived in a woman’s body that I find Impossible to create without some plastic surgery now days. Woman goes to extremes just to recreate the idealistic body. I would find it boring if every woman had skinny legs, a small waist with a big butt, and C cup breasts. Nickolay Lam, Sheila Prae Bright, Aleah Chapin, Jenny Saville, and Nancy Upton are the artist I picked for my gallery. Each talented artist represented my theme to this gallery in their own creative way by recreating a curvy Barbie to pictures of Nancy Upton gnawing on wings.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Painting Puzzle

Basically what we did was paint a portrait of a painter. After we finish painting our portrait we traded paintings with another person. We cut up someone else's painting and paint a tree. The last step we did was give the painting back to the owner and the owner had to figure out how to put it back together.